Scholarly Resources

Publications 377
Patents 1
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Green OA
  • Journal Articles334
  • Conference / In Proceedings2
  • Books / Chapters25
  • Other16

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Top ten Profiles

Dr Sanjay Jha Associate Professor
Dr Vaibhavkumar Mehta Assistant Professor
Dr Umed Ramani Assistant Professor
Dr Niranjan Kumar Assistant Professor
Dr Priya John Associate Professor
Dr Gopal Puri Associate Professor
Dr Gaurav Pandya Assistant Professor
Dr Trupti Vyas Assistant Professor
Dr Susheel Singh Assistant Professor
Dr Lalit Mahatma Associate Professor
Dr Sanjay Jha Associate Professor
Dr Vaibhavkumar Mehta Assistant Professor
Dr Trupti Vyas Assistant Professor
Dr Niranjan Kumar Assistant Professor
Dr Umed Ramani Assistant Professor
Dr Gopal Puri Associate Professor
Dr Susheel Singh Assistant Professor
Dr Chintan Kapadia Assistant Professor
Dr Gaurav Pandya Assistant Professor
Dr Neeraj Kumar Assistant Professor


One-step hydrothermal approach to fabricate carbon...

Author: Vaibhavkumar N. Mehta ., Sanjay Jha ., Hirakendu Basu ., Rakesh Kumar Singhal ., Suresh Kumar Kailasa .,

One-pot green synthesis of carbon dots by using Sa...

Author: Vaibhavkumar N. Mehta ., Sanjay Jha ., Suresh Kumar Kailasa .,

Preparation of multicolor emitting carbon dots for...

Author: Vaibhavkumar N. Mehta ., Sanjay Jha ., Rakesh Kumar Singhal ., Suresh Kumar Kailasa .,

Imaging of Bacterial and Fungal Cells Using Fluore...

Author: Betha Saineelima B. Kasibabu ., Stephanie L. D’souza ., Sanjay Jha ., Suresh Kumar Kailasa .,

One-step synthesis of fluorescent carbon dots for ...

Author: Betha Saineelima B. Kasibabu ., Stephanie L. D'souza ., Sanjay Jha ., Rakesh Kumar Singhal ., Hirakendu Basu ., Suresh Kumar Kailasa .,

One-step green synthetic approach for the preparat...

Author: Jigna R. Bhamore ., Sanjay Jha ., Anil Kumar Mungara ., Rakesh Kumar Singhal ., Dhanshri Sonkeshariya ., Suresh Kumar Kailasa .,

Green synthesis of multi-color emissive carbon dot...

Author: Jigna R. Bhamore ., Sanjay Jha ., Tae Jung Park ., Suresh Kumar Kailasa .,

Fluorescence sensing of Cu2+ ion and im...

Author: Jigna R. Bhamore ., Sanjay Jha ., Tae Jung Park ., Suresh Kumar Kailasa .,

Expression of Dm-AMP1 in rice confers resistance t...

Author: Sanjay Jha ., Harsukh G. Tank ., Bishun Deo Prasad ., Bharat B. Chattoo .,